Paramao root Oil is a natural product from a tree and almost impossible to replicate artificially. The source of this oil is a very jealously guarded secret by the villagers and by the manufacturer and his family that produce it.
Paramao root Oil has been analysed by one of Australia's leading laboratories to check for any impurities and has been found safe for use by both humans and animals.
Paramao oil has been tested to give a breakdown of the trees properties. The University testing the oil have found this tree to be quite unique and the properties within the tree to be very potent, unlike any other.
The University has advised that the Paramao oil root contains in excess of 95% Methyl Salicylate, a very strong anti-inflammatory as well as another constituent that has a stabilising effect.
Paramao root oil helps relieve of:
* Arthritis
* Muscle Stiffness
* Muscle Pain
* Sporting Injuries
* Burns and Sunburn
* Headaches
* Toothaches
* Coughs and Colds
* Asthma
* Mosquito and Insect Bites (and Mosquito Repellent)
* Cuts, Wounds and Rashes
* Psoriasis (most forms results vary depending on severity)
* Eczema (most forms results vary depending on severity)
* Dermatitis
* Fibromyalgia
* Polymyalgia
* Pain from Cancer, MS, MD and more
* Animals - many uses including Arthritis, Muscle Stiffness and Pain, Flea Control and Wounds.
Sleep - assists in improving sleep
100% Natural anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic.