Cosmetic tattoo FAQ


What is cosmetic tattooing, Microblading and feathering technique?


Cosmetic tattooing is uses semi-permanent pigments that can be metabolized by the body are used instead of traditional tattoo ink. The feathering/microblading technique is the process of placing tiny hair-like strokes of pigment to make sparse brows full, patchy brows even, or to completely change the shape of the brow.


What is permanent cosmetics/medical tattooing?


Permanent Makeup can enhance your brows, with results that last a lot longer, saving time on your daily beauty routine

Permanent cosmetics tattooing involves the application of pigment into the skin via a machine and tiny needles. Although the treatments use needles, these needles are smaller and do not penetrate the skin as deep as traditional tattooing so there is less trauma to the area.


Does cosmetic tattooing hurt?


Pain is subjective and pain threshold levels vary from person to person. Clients can purchase topical anaesthetic cream to use prior to their appointment. Alternatively you can arrive at your appointment 30 minutes early and apply it there, or have it applied by me.

Topical anaesthetic may lose its intensity for regular smokers. If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, this may affect your pain tolerance too.


What techniques do you use-machine or micro blade?


I use a machine for and Ombre Technique. I also use the Microblading technique for those with the right skin type. This is done by a hand held tool with a number of needles aligned into a fine blade.



Does the result change for different skin types?


Yes they do. Oily skin types must exfoliate well before an appointment. For best results please do this for up to 7 days prior. Oily skin types will soften the pigment in the skin more so than dryer skin types. Oily skin may require more frequent colour boosts as they are likely to fade quicker. Hairs trokes will hold much better and crisper in dry skin and are less likely to fade as quickly as someone with oily skin.


Are permanent cosmetic tattooing or microblading suitable for everyone?


Please inform us if you are taking any medication, or have suffered from any illness or virus within the last 6 months. You cannot receive permanent cosmetics if you are pregnant or breast feeding. Please let us know if you have or are on any medication/ creams to treat acne in the last 6 months.


What should I avoid before/after my treatment?


Strictly no caffeine/ alcohol/ aspirins or any other form of pain killers 48 hours before your appointment. Please also inform us if you are taking any supplements, for example fish oil tablets, as these will affect how your treatment will heal. We will provide you with a post care form that will help you look after your tattoo to minimise colour loss and or any discomfort.


Can I wear make-up after the treatment/what is the after care?

Aftercare – For the first 7 days the brows need to be kept dry, which means no water, no creams or balms and no sweaty exercise. (Further aftercare info will be given to you post your appointment)

You can wear mineral cosmetics (such as INIKA), immediately, however, you need to wait until the treatment area has healed before wearing traditional cosmetics. If applying traditional cosmetics elsewhere, ensure you don’t cover the treatment area, as this could lead to healing problems.


How long will it last?


Cosmetic tattoo treatments typically need to be refreshed every year depending on how well your skin retains the pigment. Oily skin typically needs to be refreshed every 6 months.

Lighter pigment fades faster than dark. Lifestyle factors affect fading, like spending lots of time in the sun. Chemical peels, laser and skin products with acids that comes into contact with the pigmented area will fade your cosmetic tattoo.

Please note that final results cannot be guaranteed as each person skin type will retains pigment differently and metabolize at different rates. Your adjustment session is important so that we can learn how your skin has retained the pigment and to make any changes.


How many treatments are needed?


Each person heals differently, however a minimum of two sessions is needed which occur at least five weeks apart. If your brows don't heal perfectly after your first appointment, we address this and we can make aesthetic changes ie. darker and bolder at the second!

Additional appointments are available, and sometimes necessary, especially for oily skin, trouble skin, congested/ruddy skin types or previously tattooed skin.


PLEASE NOTE: If you already have your brows tattooed, even if faded, please email or text me clear photos before booking an appointment. Results on such cases cannot be guaranteed. Performing the procedure on brows tattooed by another tech are charged at full price.


How long will it take?


Treatment times vary depending on how advanced or detailed the required result is. Allow 2-3 hours.


How quickly will it heal?


Everyone is different, but as a general rule the surface skin generally heals between 3-7 days after the treatment, and 10-14 days below the surface.



Do my natural brows need to be shaved off?


Absolutely not. If you have natural brow hairs, I will work with what you have, subtly integrating their work to suit your natural brow style. We recommend that you come in for a brow wax and possible tint at least 3-7 day before to help clean up the area making it easier to tattoo the best possible shape for your brow.


What will I look like straight after the treatment??


Brow treatments tend to look darker in colour immediately after the appointment. This softens in a few days.


How old do I have to be to get tattooed?


You must be at least 18 years old. I do not perform this procedure on minors even with parental permission.




As a precaution, we do not perform cosmetic tattooing if any of the below apply:

• Pregnant/breastfeeding

• Epilepsy

• Cancer/Undergoing Cancer treatment

• Botox/Dysport/fillers or skin treatments around the brow/forehead area if done within 2 weeks of your appointment.

• Blood thinners

• Diabetes

• Roaccutane


 Iron deficient or anaemic clients should be advised that increased bleeding may occur during the procedure as well as a faster fade of the pigment over time.


What factors will affect my cosmetic tattoo?


• The time it takes for the skin to absorb the pigment will also affect how the skin retains the pigment. The slower the process, the longer the pigment will hold.

• Lighter pigment colours, like blonde, will fade faster than a dark pigment.

• Bleeding during the procedure reduces the amount of pigment absorbed. It should be noted that substances which cause blood thinning such as alcohol and certain medications should not be consumed prior to or following an appointment.

• Thyroid medication can affect the healing process, resulting in less retention. A third appointment may be necessary in this case, and the brows typically fade faster over time resulting in more frequent brow refreshes.

• The constant exposure of the facial area promotes a faster fade in comparison to covered parts of the body.

• Sun exposure will decrease the appearance of the pigment. Once healed, sun screen is to be applied to the area to reduce the risk of fading.

• Smoking causes faster fading and can hinder the healing process.



What should I do before my eyebrow procedure?

• Wash your hair! You cannot get your eyebrow area wet for 7 days following the procedure, which is fairly easy but a little annoying in the shower, so if you have fresh hair, this will save you some worry for the first couple of days :)

• If you love the way you fill your brows in, or if you love the colour you use, come with your brows filled in and we will take into account the shape (if it fits with our facial measurement rules) and the colour you desire. Make sure to come early if you still want us to apply your numbing cream for you in this case.

• If you love the way your regular brow shaper does your eyebrows, you can get them tidied up to 3 days before your appointment. If you don't particularly love the shape they do, or if you think they may take off too much hair, do not get them shaped and just come in as is. We shape them before the procedure and usually, the more hair there is to work with the better!

• If you plan to go on a holiday, it is recommended to plan your trip a at least 14 days after the procedure. Sun exposure, especially whilst healing, is detrimental to the pigment having good retention. You also shouldn't get them properly wet (ie swimming) for at least 2 weeks.

• Cease taking any blood thinning medications/vitamins 72 hours prior to your appointment. This includes Vitamin E, Aspirin, Niacin, fish oil supplements, and Ibuprofen.

• Do not drink any alcohol the night before and day of your appointment as this thins your blood, and try to avoid having a coffee before your procedure.

• If you have been on Roaccutane, you should wait at least 6 months after finishing your course before having this procedure done. If you aren't sure, talk to your Dermatologist.

• Avoid sun and tanning bed exposure for 30 days before and after your procedure. If you show up for your appointment with a new tan or a sunburn, you will need to reschedule and will forfeit your deposit. As your skin exfoliates from a sunburn or tan, you will lose the pigment.


What should I know about long term care?

Long-term care for your cosmetic tattoo is imperative in sustaining bold pigment. Factors such as individual skin type, pigment colour and lifestyle choices will affect your tattoo in the long term. It should be acknowledged that increased exposure to sun will contribute to a faster pigment fade so sunscreen application after healing is highly recommended. Chemical peels, laser treatments or other medical procedures to the facial area should be cautious of the tattoo area. You must advise your technician as care must be taken around these areas.



Post Appointment care

After care is crucial, it is very important to follow these instructions to ensure proper healing and colour retention. Results will vary for all individuals and we cannot guarantee your results.


• Do not go into high sun exposure during the healing process, UV Rays can alter the pigment of your tattoo.

• Do not use cleansers, soaps or any other creams on your brow tattoo. Wash around the area using a cleaning cloth or makeup wipe.

• Do not run direct water on your brow tattoo. This is especially important in the first few days, you do not want to wash out any pigment.

• Do not use Vaseline, Neosproin or any petroleum based products on your tattoo. Only use coconut oil or vitamin e cream, and only use a very thin layer.

• Do not use any creams, exfoliants on the brows for 6 weeks.

• Do not go into saunas, pools, and steam rooms for at least 4 weeks.

• Do not get massages or facials or skin treatments during the healing process.

• Do not use exfoliants, retinol acids, or AHA’s on the area for 30 days after the appointment, it will fade the pigment. Some acids and AHA's used on the brow area will fade the tattoo prematurely even when fully healed.

• Do not have laser on or near your brows. This can do crazy things to the pigment.




Dampen a cotton round with water, start at the front of each brow and wipe gently across twice.

If you have used a little too much water and the brows might be a bit wet, dry them with a dry cotton round and a dabbing motion.


For the first day (until you go to sleep) clean (as above) your brow area every 30 mins to stop the plasma from drying on your skin and forming a scab. Apply a very thin layer of after care cream before you go to bed, but after you clean them, being careful not too add to much.


After the first day, switch to cleaning the brows morning and night and add thin layers of aftercare cream throughout the day as needed. (when they look or feel dry) but wipe the brows each time to avoid a build up of too much cream.

For a week (7 days) after your procedure, continue cleaning them like this morning and night.


Avoid getting your brows wet

Keep your brows dry for 7 days, so in the shower make sure they aren't under the water, and pat them dry with a dry cotton round after your shower just in case it was a bit steamy. Do not use your body towel, too much bacteria! Avoid the brow area and getting them wet when washing your face.


Makeup and Misc

Do not use makeup on your brows for 1 week after your appointment. After this you can use brow powder in them, but do not use any heavier makeup (pencils, gels, pomades etc) on your brows until 2 weeks after your appointment, if your eyebrows are finished peeling, then you can use makeup on them gently.


Moisturize from below your eyes and down while they are healing, if you moisturize your forehead it may travel with body heat and replicate oily skin which is not good for healing.



Before & Aftercare

Each client’s skin responds differently to these treatments. This information acts as a guideline only.


Things to know

Pre-Procedure pointers -

• Stop using any skin thinners (Vitamin A, glycolic acids, exfoliation) on the brow area 2 weeks prior to your appointment.

• Botox/Dysport or fillers should be done at least 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks after your appointment.

• All skin treatments, including but not limited to Microdermabrasion, facials with active ingredients, skin peels and laser treatments, should be done at least 2 weeks prior to your appointment, or longer if recommended by the skin professional.

• Do not consume any alcohol, caffeine or take any blood thinners (aspirin, ibuprofen & Niacin 48 hours before your procedure, this may cause excess bleeding and may affect your results)

• If you love the way you draw your brows on, or the colour you use, come in with them drawn on.

• Make sure you do not get sunburned or get a tan, we are not able to tattoo over sunburned or freshly tanned skin as your pigment will not hold. Please make sure you move your appointment before 48 hours or you will forfeit your deposit :(


What to expect

• Your brows may not heal perfectly after the first session. This is a 2 step, sometimes multiple step, process.

• The pigment can fade, come back and appear patchy/gone usually in weeks 2-4 of your healing process. This is normal. If any strokes don't stay, this is exactly why we have the adjustment appointment.

• Immediately after your procedure brows will appear darker and more defined and this can last from a few days to over a week.

• Days 2-4 your brows will be much darker and can appear more 'blocky' with thicker strokes, they do not stay this dark or thick :)

• Around days 4-5 you will experience flaking and your brows may look dry. Do not pick the flakiness off, let them come off when they are ready. You can actually remove strokes completely if you pick off healing bits of skin. At this stage, dab your brows when cleaning instead of using a wiping motion, so as not to disturb the flaking skin.

• Your brow tattoo will take 5-6 weeks to fully heal. When the flaking comes off the hair strokes may seem faint this is because a fresh layer of skin has healed over the brow tattoo and white blood cells have flooded the area and can mask the pigment from showing through. Give your brows a few weeks and the hair strokes will become clearer.

• You may experience itchiness in the brows after the 10 days for up to 2 months due to the healing process of the dermal layer, you can use a thin layer of coconut oil or vitamin e cream to help with this.

• Not everyone’s hairstoke brows can heal clean and crisp. Hairstrokes for oilier skin types tend to heal more solid and powdery while drier skin types tend to heal more crisp and defined. Also for those who bleed more may tend to need more touch ups as the blood pushes the pigment out and results in less retention.



• Two appointments are necessary to perfect your brows. Typically, the first appointment we are able to build a strong shape. The adjustment appointments are used to perfect the brows by making any aesthetic changes you would like, we can add density and make them darker if needed. This is a process and some clients may need multiple sessions to achieve their desired result.

• It is your responsibility to book your touch up appointments. With the high demand, sometimes it takes about 2 months to get a touch up appointment so please plan accordingly. If your tattoo comes back too faded additional charges could apply.

• Ladies with darker skin, micropigmentation may not look as bold or sharp compared to lighter skin clients.

• Some skin types just have a harder time retaining pigment and may require additional sessions, especially if it is oily, sun damaged, you have had your brows previously tattooed or if there is scar tissue.


Long Term Care

• Because of the nature of semi-permanent tattoo, there can be no guarantee of the results. Everyone’s result will vary due to skin type, lifestyle and the initial 10 days care and long term care of your brow micropigmentation.

• Use at least SPF 50 to protect your brows.

• Do not use chemical exfoliants on the brows, this will cause the brows to fade quickly.

• Do not have any kind of laser on or near your brow area.

• As the pigment fades the strokes will get fainter and less defined.

• Maintenance is required to maintain desired results. Touch ups are done on average every 6 - 12 months to maintain your brow tattoo, depending on how crisp you like to keep them.

• Hairstroke brows typically last 1-3 years for normal to dry skin types. Oily skin or skin that doesn't retain pigment well can last usually 6months - 1 year.



There are no implied or written guarantees if you do not take care of your tattoo.